Studio Birthplace's 3x Feature in Page Magazine

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December 6, 2023
Studio Birthplace's 3x Feature in Page Magazine

"Most of all we need a shift in how we look at the world."

In rousing spots, music videos and campaigns, Studio Birthplace brings together information, emotion and smashing visuals to make you fight for a better world.

We're delighted to announce that Studio Birthplace has received a 3x feature spread in Page Magazine's 01.2024 issue, featuring an in-depth interview with co-creative directors Sil van der Woerd and Jorik Dozy.

Page Magazine has been presenting outstanding work from design, communication and media since 1986.

A wide-reaching German-language design and publishing magazine, Page is constantly pushes the key trends and technologies around print, web and mobile. We're honored to be recognized by the magazine.

Studio Birthplace's feature is part of the magazine's 'English Special'.

Learn More

Read the full feature on Page Magazine here.