Birthplace Featured On The Independent

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June 14, 2018
Birthplace Featured On The Independent

"Novo Amor shares stunning video for 'Birthplace' that sends a powerful message about our effect on the natural world." - The Independent

Birthplace has been reported on by The Independent, as well as an in-depth Q&A session with directors Sil van der Woerd and Jorik Dozy.

Here's an excerpt from the interview:

Q: What led to the idea of this ‘Birthplace’ video having the underlying message of highlighting plastic in our oceans?

A: We want to make films about stories that matter, especially when those in disadvantage can't speak for themselves. The pollution of our oceans is one of the most important stories of our time. Our oceans are under attack by a growing stream of plastic waste; a rapid growing tumor for which we are responsible. For a while, we've been exploring ways to make a video that touches on this topic. When we heard Ali's music the specific idea for this video came to us almost in a flash.

Read the full article here.

Learn More:

Watch 'Birthplace' here.